Real Vermont food

Here's my first blog, about food from my weekend in Vermont. No, this is not The Tomato That Cost $4.50! :) ...These tomatoes, and beans, were picked from the overgrown-yet-still-producing garden. (The pie in the background was hand picked at a local bakery.)
....A totally free tomato, what a concept. And it was definitely organic. No pesticides were used to produce this tomato; in fact, it appeared as if nothing whatsoever was done to that garden and this tomato still grew. The whole garden in fact was quite "organic"( i.e. full of bugs).
Speaking of organic, anything you want to buy in Vermont can be had organic. Beer? Check. Coffee? Check.
We picked up the corn at the farmers market -- it was so sweet and juicy. And I love cooking corn on the "barbie" right in its own husk. Sooo yummy!
This is entertainment at the farmers market. They may in fact be the farmers.
My dad is using a starter to get the barbie going -- placed carefully and expertly RIGHT next to the all-wood house. Please note that if the can were to be blown or knocked over and the wood paneling of the house were not sufficient to instantly catch on fire, conveniently located directly below the can is a winter's worth of wood.
Cheers to real food!
Dad takes umbrage with the idea of his trying to start the house on fire. You can see from the placement of the starter that he had COMPLETE control of the situation......the can of lighter fluid was not far away!
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